Sunday, 19 December 2010

Centre for Military and Veterans’ Health


The Centre for Military and Veterans’ Health (CMVH) is an internationally-unique academic, community and military partnership dedicated to innovatively seeking solutions to military and veterans’ health issues through:
We invite you to explore how our team of researchers, health practitioners and serving Australian Defence Force personnel are working together to better understand and address the health and wellbeing needs of Australia’s military men, women and families.

Friday, 17 December 2010

United States’ Afghanistan-Pakistan Strategy Review

I welcome the United States’ December Review of its Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy, announced by President Obama on 16 December 2010.
This Review has been an important opportunity to assess whether the implementation of the Afghanistan-Pakistan strategy and the transition to Afghan responsibility for security is on track.
It has taken some time for the international community to get that strategy right, and match that with sufficient resources.
The Government welcomes the Review’s assessment that progress is being made. This is in line with Australia’s own observations in Uruzgan Province. Nevertheless, our task is to ensure that this progress and the gains we have made are consolidated and not reversed.
President Obama has identified a number of challenges in this Review. The most significant of these will be improving governance within Afghanistan, and supporting Pakistan’s efforts to address the threat posed by violent extremists.
On this first challenge, the international community, including Australia, is working with the Government of Afghanistan to improve governance and address corruption.
More broadly, as the Prime Minister and I made clear during the recent Parliamentary debate, Australia expects the Afghan Government to continue to make progress on combating corruption.
We reinforced this expectation during the NATO Summit in Lisbon in November, where President Karzai also reaffirmed his commitment to anti-corruption efforts.
On the second challenge, the Government believes that the international community must engage with Pakistan, in concert with efforts in Afghanistan. The Afghanistan-Pakistan border is highly permeable and remains a threat to sustainable progress in stabilising Afghanistan.
Australia is working closely with Pakistan to improve its capability to address the threat posed by violent extremists, significantly increasing our defence engagement with Pakistan over the past two years.
These challenges will require a greater focus over the coming year. But the international community now has the right strategy.  The Government is committed to working with the United States and our partners in the International Security Assistance Force to achieve a secure and stable Afghanistan.



The Minister for Veterans' Affairs, Warren Snowdon, said the public have
submitted their ideas to mark the Anzac Centenary in 2015, to recognise
a century of service since Federation.

Mr Snowdon said over the past few months more than 600 public
submissions and 1200 ideas detailing ways for Australia to mark this
important anniversary have been considered by the National Commission on
the Commemoration of the Anzac Centenary.

Mr Snowdon thanked the public for their contribution, and said
submissions were received from individuals, schools, community groups,
ex-service organisations and local and state governments across the

"The Anzac Centenary in 2015 is an important milestone in the wartime
history of Australia, marking 100 years of Australian service since
Federation. There is a broad spectrum of ideas covering education,
theatre, music, art, poetry, memorials and memorabilia however,
overwhelmingly, Australians want to hear about the personal accounts,
both past and present, of our servicemen and women.

"Ideas have included local community activities, engaging with former
servicemen and women, revisiting the history of key battles and learning
the untold stories of Australian service.

"There is also a collective view that any opportunities where we can
learn from the experience of war in furthering our aims for peace are
very important," Mr Snowdon said.

The National Commission on the Commemoration of the Anzac Centenary held
its final meeting for the year in Melbourne today ahead of its report to
Government in early 2011.

The Commission was established on April 25 2010 to engage with the
community, listen to their ideas and suggestions about how our nation
can mark this significant milestone, and recommend a way forward to the

Commission members are former Prime Ministers the Right Hon Malcolm
Fraser PC, AC, CH and the Hon Bob Hawke AC, the National President of
the RSL RADM Ken Doolan AO (Retd), editorial cartoonist and journalist
Warren Brown, former ADF member and peacekeeper
MAJ Matina Jewell (Retd) and veteran advocate and nurse Kylie Russell.

For more information visit 


Minister for Defence Stephen Smith will hold a press conference today in Perth to discuss Australia’s response to the US Afghanistan-Pakistan Strategy Review and to release an update to the public Defence Capability Plan.
WHEN:              Friday 17 December 2010
TIME:                10 am (WST) 
WHERE:            Conference Room, Level 39,
                          Exchange Plaza,
                          Sherwood Court, Perth

Note:              Media please wait in the building foyer to be escorted to the conference room.
Media Contact: Mary Bagnall (0434 665 067)

Ex-Service members to touchbase for support

touchbase is a pilot program for personnel recently separated from the ADF or those thinking to do so.
The website provides useful information and links to resources on a wide range of topics, from sporting clubs and entertainment to counselling services and mental health information.
The touchbase program is a joint DVA/Defence initiative and aims to make it easier for ex-service members and their families to access relevant information. 
You can also sign up to receive the touchbase e-newsletter and read stories of interest to, and about, ex-service members in civilian life.

New Year is a chance to change

VVCS – The Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service offers a range of free group programs which provide a great excuse for a better you in 2011.
Programs include Heart Health – a health and fitness program, Doing Anger Differently, Mastering Anxiety, Sleeping Better, a depression program called Beating the Blues and Building Better Relationships – a program for couples.  If you have recently left Defence or are in the process of transitioning, the Stepping Out program may be for you.
VVCS also offers free counselling services, for more information go to or call 1800 011 046

Services over the festive season

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs offices will close at 5pm on Friday 24 December 2010 and will re-open 9am Tuesday 4 January 2011.  Despite this, many important services will still be available.  
The free Veterans Line counselling service will be staffed throughout the Christmas and New Year period and can be accessed by calling 1800 011 046 (free call from landline phone).
Emails and telephone calls regarding complaints, general enquiries and feedback may not be actioned until the New Year.  Visit the DVA website for more information on the full range of services available.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Department of Veterans, Affairs

Mrs Pam Forsdyke OAM
Vietnam Veterans' Association of Australia
National Council, NSW Branch Inc.
PO Box 81

Dear Mrs Forsdyke OAM

I am writing to alert you that members of the veteran community have again been contacted
by recent scammers.

Several incidents have been reported to DVA in which members of the veteran community
have been approached via mail or telephone by individuals claiming to be from private
organisations or government agencies offering a range of goods anJ services, and asking for personal information including banking details.

These approaches are false and I feel it is timely to remind members of the veteran community
to exercise caution when releasing their personal information.

We are not aware of any monetary loss to veterans as a result of these incidents at this stage
but I ask you to urge your members to be careful about releasing personal information.

Veterans, war widows or widowers are encouraged to contact DVA if they have any concerns
or if they feel they have been targeted by a scam. The Department can be contacted on
133 254 (for metropolitan callers) or 1800 555 254 (for non-metropolitan callers.l.

The Govemment's Scamwatch website - - contains useful
information to help you be aware of potential scams that regularly circulate around our
communities, and how to protect private information

I thank you for your assistance in informing your members.

Yours sincerely

Ian Campbell

9 December 2010


Hi all,

A short note to wish all a MERRY XMAS from the committee of VETERANS RETREATS of WESTERN AUSTRALIA inc. And inform you that we will have good news early in the new year .Our secretary is preparing a flyer to flick around . We also hope to have the web page up and running soon. Please send this around to all the veterans you know and see you all at Meentheena this year.

Norman L. Whitburn
Veterans Retreats of Western Australia. Inc.
Ph / FAX(08) 9646 1021
Mob. 0428 4444 87

When I left the Fire and Rescue Services, I realised that there was a need for Veterans and Para-Military Veterans who are still suffering from their operational experiences and no Government authority has ever addressed their needs such as a respite for us to chill out. There are no exceptions regarding veterans of the Para-military, Police, Fire-fighters and Ambulance Officers (who in particular have probably had a “double dose”). I did some research on what would be the ideal situation for all veterans to chill out and to find somewhere in a remote situation where minimal outside interference would benefit them. I started a search when I left the Fire and Rescue Services in 2000 and came up with a disused cattle station called Carson River in the Kimberley and was welcomed by the owners at Kalumbaru with open arms, but was not welcomed by the Kimberley Land Council nor A.T.S.I.C . This disappointed the Kalumbaru people as they then felt that tourism would be good for them. It was quite a few years later when I asked a cousin of mine if they would be able to have a small area on Yarrie Station. He showed enthusiasm until realising the numbers that were expected to visit the site. He suggested another site at the neighbouring Meentheena Cattle Station that was a conservation reserve controlled by the Department of Conservation (D.E.C.) It was then that I started to make enquiries and begin negotiations with that department. Mr Brendon Grylls (Regional Development Minister and WA Nationals Leader) had been told by the Wheatbelt Veterans Group at Merredin what I was doing and he called me to a meeting to explain what my intentions were and for how long. He also invited the new Committee to Parliament House for lunch.
We have had approval and support from our State politicians, such as Grant Woodhams (our greatest supporter), Rob Johnston and Donna Farragh. At the current time a licence is being put together by the Department of Environment and Conservation, but until then we have our hands tied as we wish to remain transparent as a project this size has never been attempted in Australia and is quite unique. I have not yet had a response from the federal politicians and I think a trip to Canberra may be in order soon.
Meentheena Cattle Station is 75kms from Marble Bar, the hottest place in Australia and is situated on the Nullagine River. The Nullagine is a fresh water river that flows in the wet and flows underground in the dry, appearing in billabongs that have a permanent fish population. The whole 695,000 acres would have to be a photographer, artist, prospector, fisherman, conservationist, bushwalker and bird watcher’s dream (along with those who just want peace and quiet).
The structure on the station is very sound and needs minimal completion to be brought up to a standard for use . There is a camp kitchen that is in good condition and other structures and yards that can be used. Camping will be the main-stay there and the accommodation will be for the disabled and the frail with a R.A.P. (Regimental Aid Post or First Aid Post) for emergencies. The Department of Environment and Conservation is going to make sure it is accessible by conventional vehicles and caravans. The first camp from the bitumen is 3kms on the western side and to the eastern camp, a further 4kms. From Perth it is approximately 1450kms, with the shortest route going through Nullagine and a further 6 hours if visitors stick to the bitumen.

When the Department of Environment and Conservation give us a licence, we will be accepting membership per Veteran and Associate Members of $25. We already have some Honorary Members, (i.e. professionals who want to assist the veterans).
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the following:
Veterans Retreats of Western Australia. Inc. - Phone/Fax - 08) 9646 1021 and Mobile - 0428 444 487
President, Norm Whitburn - 08) 9646 1021
Vice President, Peter Fitzpatrick - 0419 931 627
Secretary, Derek Philips - 95864222
Treasurer, Les Hall - 0435 905 888
Committee, John Schnaars - 0417 955 914

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Overseas Medical Vaccinations

Earlier this year after submissions had been made to me at an AVADSC meeting in Brisbane I approached the Deputy Commissioner in the Queensland Consultative Forum regarding Gold Card holders being required to pay for Medical Vaccinations prior to overseas travel, I have now received a positive outcome.

Prior to 1st Aug 2010 DVA has not provided coverage for medical vaccinations for DVA clients travelling overseas, the approach was that these were privately incurred expenses.

DVA has now released a new Business Line where in it now states that as from the 1st Aug 2010 all GOLD CARD holders are eligible for all required vaccinations to be covered under the Gold Card arrangements.

Any Gold Card holders that may have incurred charges from 1st August 2010 are able to seek reimbursement via DVA. I would expect a fact sheet covering this to be issued shortly.

I ask that you make this information widely available to your friends and association membership, I will send you a copy of the DVA Fact Sheet once it becomes available.
If you or anyone else has any questions ask them to contact their nearest DVA VAN office.


Gordon Blake


QLD State Advisory Council

Australian Veterans’ & Defence Services Council

Cavalry Memorial

Our friends in Cavalry are trying to raise funds for a Cavalry Memorial for Vietnam service to be at Tongala, Victoria, where a Light Horse Memorial already is in place. Trying to have one at Puckapunyal is not feasible due to present procedures for access to Defence properties which would severely restrict access by visitors and families.
The design has been done and now fund-raising is the big concern.

As many of us enjoyed travel in the Black Beret Cabs (BBC) back then, some might wish to make a donation to assist.

The association website is:

Donations can be sent to:

3rd Cavalry Regiment (Vietnam) Memorial Account

61 Sawtell Road, TOORMINA NSW 2452

(This is the address of Dallas Burrage, association treasurer, on 02-6658-7339.)

regards from rainy Maryborough

Lex McAulay

Sunday, 12 December 2010


The objective of the home modifications program is to assist you to remain in your home with enhanced independence and safety and to reduce dependency on carers.
Modifications also reduce the likelihood of having to move residence and the consequent dislocation from family, friends and community and to reduce the risk of falls. An example of a home modification is the replacement of a bath with a hobless shower to allow safe, independent showering and many other modifications are also available that address safety and access in the home. These include internal and /or external rails and/or ramps to access your home. Household adaptive appliances are items used to assist you if you have difficulty with everyday tasks, for example turning a key in a lock or opening jars. Items such as jar openers, key turners and reaching appliances are available to assist you.

If you have a Repatriation Health Card – For All Conditions (Gold Card) you may be eligible for home modifications, where there is a clinical need. If you have a Repatriation Health Card – For Specific Conditions (White Card) you may be eligible for home modifications relating to an accepted disability. To access this service your doctor will refer you to an occupational therapist to ascertain if you require home modifications or adaptive appliances. The occupational therapist will assess your clinical needs and provide you with information on what alternatives may be available. The occupational therapist will then make recommendations to DVA and you will be advised if the recommended modifications meet DVA’s guidelines and whether they will pay for the modifications. The condition of your home is also considered, as it must be structurally sound and identified as suitable living accommodation. A licensed builder can advise you of any structural issues you may have with your home. Your prognosis is also taken into account as home modifications can take considerable time to arrange and install and may cause disruption.

Alternative options are also explored and DVA will not pay for modifications to your home if there is no clinical need or if you were aware, at the time of moving into accommodation of a condition that could make access to your home difficult in the future. They will also not pay if you are in the process of, or have had, a compensation or insurance settlement in relation to the condition requiring the modification or if you are a resident of a residential aged care facility, state-owned housing, independent living unit or retirement village. DVA will not pay for non essential items, such as additional toilets, spa baths and for home renovations or installation of basic utilities, such as water, sewerage, lighting and heating and are provided for one residence only. If DVA has paid for modifications to your existing home and you choose to move to a less suitable home, you and/or the owner of the new home will have to pay for any future modifications.

You do not have to own your own home for DVA to pay for the modifications, but the owner of the home must confirm that you will be a resident on a long-term basis and must also agree in writing to the modifications and that DVA will not restore the property to its former state once the modifications are no longer required. You can also contact the Veterans’ Home Maintenance Line on 1800 80 1945 for advice on general home maintenance matters and referral to reliable and efficient tradespeople in your area.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Look out for your mates this festive season


With Christmas almost upon us, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Warren Snowdon today wished veterans and their families a safe and happy Christmas and New Year period.

“I hope that our veterans, serving men and women, ex-service communities and their families enjoy the holiday season and have a well-deserved break,” Mr Snowdon said.

“The festive season is also a time to think of those less fortunate and those who may not be surrounded by family or friends. Christmas can be a lonely time for some in our community, in particular our older veterans.

“Please take the time to visit elderly relatives, drop around to your neighbour’s house, give them a call and make sure that all is well.”

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ (DVA) offices will close at 5pm on 24 December 2010 and will re-open at 9am Tuesday 4 January 2011. DVA offices will also be closed for Australia Day on Wednesday 26 January 2011.

During this time, a range of important DVA services will remain open to the veteran community including:

Transport—it is recommended transport is booked before the Christmas and New Year period. If it is not booked, transport will need to be paid up-front with reimbursement sought from DVA later.
Hospital admissions—doctors can admit DVA patients into hospital and request admissions approval, if required, when DVA re-opens on Tuesday 4 January 2011.
Crisis counselling—VVCS—Veterans and Veterans’ Families Counselling Service offers 24-hour crisis counselling through Veterans’ Line. This service is available toll free on
1800 011 046 to veterans of all conflicts and their families—including members of peace operations.
Insurance—help with Defence Services Homes Insurance policy and claim enquiries is available 24 hours a day from Defence Services Homes on 1300 552 662, or visit
Pension pay days will not be affected by the Christmas and New Year arrangements.

Friday, 10 December 2010

Gold Coast Army Museum

G'Day All,I'm on a mission again.I'm looking for a Swan Larger and an Emu Export beer can ( steel cans) from the Vietnam era to round off the collection of beers drank by Aussies in Vietnam.Shane Spencer,B coy 4 RAR/NZ organized the American beer cans for the display which are now in their cases.Seems we drank the stuff.(Was told it was like having sex in a canoe,close to fu*king water).

I have been adding a few photos with the can displays & came across a photo of Mick O'Sullivan our Delta company 4 RAR/NZ medic who was awarded a very well earned Military Medal ,drinking Emu Export and would be honoured if I was able to do a case with a can and his photo.

All is going well with the other displays with in the museum.Thank you for everyone who helped out with the maps of Nui Dat.I have what I need to go ahead and light up the diorama.Thank you one and all.

Have a great xmas and a very safe and enjoyable New Year. Regards Bob.

Looking for Vietnam Vet Phillip Cullen Hart

From: pam

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Phillip Cullen Hart last known in Woongarrah NSW, he has someone looking for him, if so can he please contact me on (02)4441-5011 or 0400135710 and I will give him the details. Ken can you please sent around other States.
Best Regards

Name:Phillip Cullen Hart
Service No: 214751
Service: Army
Date Of Birth: 06/03/1939
Rank: Sapper
Place Of Birth: Sydney NSW AUSTRALIA
Corps: Royal Australian Engineers
National Service:
Summary of Unit Name(s)
1st Field Squadron
Start Date 25/05/1966 End Date 16/06/1967


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Thursday, 25 November 2010

sympathy and condolences

You can send your sympathy and condolences to those who have lost loved ones and friends in the mine disaster (New Zealand) via the Mayor of Greymouth.

The Mayor is going to display all messages around the district of Greymouth.

The E-mail address is

Incident at Vung Tau

My name is Terry Smith and I served in Vietnam from approximately early November 1971 to end of February 1972 in Vung Tau. There was an incident that occurred in either January or February regarding shots fired whilst on picquet duty on perimeter at Vung Tau. If you recall any details of this incident or know of any one who witnessed this could you please contact me on 0260264533 or I am requiring witnesses for an AAt Veterans Appeal.

I am also looking for piquet duty rosters for Jan and Feb 1072. These seem very hard to locate as detailed records were apparently not kept then as the base was closing. Thought you may be able to help.

Thanking you in anticipation,

Terry Smith.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Christmas Parcels for the Troops

For those of you who are sending Christmas parcels, and there is quite a few of you, please ensure that you use only the addresses listed below and have your parcel etcetera posted prior to the 15th December.

AFPO 13 is not to be used as previously advised. This is the AFPO that is dedicated for the families of the deployed personnel. Sending generically addressed mail through this AFPO (to An Australian Soldier / Sailor / Airman / Airwoman / EDD) will unfortunately slow up the mail that is destined for the troops coming from their families. The only addresses you are to use are those list below.

An Australian Soldier / Sailor / Airman / Airwoman
Christmas Mail
Middle East Operations
Australian Defence Force

An Australian Soldier / Sailor / Airman / Airwoman
Christmas Mail
East Timor Operations
Australian Defence Force

An Australian Soldier / Sailor / Airman / Airwoman
Christmas Mail
Solomon Islands Operations
Australian Defence Force

The Late Peter Naughton

Australian Logistics Support Company 27/05/1965 - 06/05/1966,
Ships Army Staff (HMAS Sydney) 27/03/1968 - 12/04/1968

Those of you who served with or had the pleasure of knowing Peter may wish to attend this service.

I have finally been able to arrange Peter's internment and would be happy if there is some way to let others know when and where. Can you help me?
The internment will be held at Kangaroo Ground Cemetery, Cemetery Rd Kangaroo Ground VIC, one hour’s drive North of Melbourne, on Friday, 3rd of December at 11 am.
Any members of the forces who knew my husband would be most welcome to farewell him on this day.

Regards Maura Naughton

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Memorial Service for Ed Simpson

Hello Allan,
Lorraine Carrigan rang me to let everyone know that a memorial service is to be held for Eddie Simpson ex RAAOC at St John V Catholic church, Crn Ernest and Kooalgin Street Manly QLD on 18th November at 11am. I will be away in Geelong at this time so would appreciate it if these details could be passed on to members. I would also like to pass on advice on the passing of the following RAAOC members, COL Norman Swan ex 2 BOD 1970's and Ray Webster ex PJI and Para Rigger. Sick List includes Noel Carrigan who continues to improve following surgery, Peter Barrow, and Paul Darby who both have ongoing health issues. Hope all have a great Christmas Function and sorry that Faye and I will be absent. Best wishes to all for a Happy and safe Festive Season. Regards Bill Jeffers


Thirroul R S L Sub Branch Committee is currently compiling an Honour Roll for placement at Thirroul Memorial Park.

We are searching for the names of those who served in the Korean, Malayan or Vietnam wars (either enlisted or conscripted - Navy, Army, RAAF, civillian) and were actually residing in Thirroul at the time of enlistment or conscription.

If you are one of these residents or have any information or contact details of Veterans who served in these wars we would be very pleased to hear from you.

Please contact John Bond

Phone: 0417.298.545 or send an email to:

Monday, 1 November 2010

Mick Marazes Funeral arrangements

Micks funeral will be held at Leppington at 10am Thursday the 4th November 2010. A wake will be held at Camden Valley Golf Resort
810 Camden Valley Way, Catherine Field, Australia, 2171 after the service.

If anyone would like to send a message of condolence to Micks wife Joan they can do so by sending an e-mail to Bill MacDougall at

If anyone has a contact number for Peter Bray could you let either me or Bill know please.


Saturday, 30 October 2010

Christmas Care Package's

A Christmas Care Package Aussie Soldiers Overseas plan is being developed by the National Welfare Coordination Centre. They can be contacted on telephone 1800 801 026.

They will release details for a specific Armed Forces Post Office (AFPO) address for such parcels to be sent to in order to reach the soldiers.
Once this address has been released (I phoned the NWCC today and they have not yet released the AFPO address) then we will have until 15 Dec to submit our parcels to that address.

In the meantime, if a family has a specific person they wish to send a small parcel to, then the individual address details are, for Operation ASTUTE in Timor Leste:

PMKeys Number, Rank, Name
Australian Defence Forces
NSW 2890

and for Operation SLIPPER at Tarin Kowt Afghanistan:

PMKeys Number, Rank, Name
Australian Defence Forces
NSW 2890

I hope this is of some assistance.

Best regards,

Stuart Smith
Commander 3 Brigade
(currently deploy on Exercise HAMEL)

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Ex-Servicemen and Womens campsite in WA

Hi Folks, This may not interest everybody.The Veteran Community in WA ,largely through the tireless efforts of Norm Whitburn ( ex POFC) have obtained a abandoned cattle station in the Northwest from the State Government and Department of Environmental Protection...

This is to be set up as a Veterans Retreat with facilities for camping etc...The only one real drawback for some people will be its isolation...It is approx. 80 klms off the Port Hedland-Marble bar road on the Woody Woody Mine road which I think is Rio Tinto owned....

Norm has canvassed the big miners out there as well as the Marble Bar shire, interested Government departments and he has been impressed by the support offered...

The station is the old Meentheena Cattle Run of some 700.000 Acres which has been disused for some time , it has the Nullagine river passing through it and fairly good roads to and from the proposed camp area...We have been out that way and it is probably a good 3 hour drive from Port Hedland...

As of early next year the setting up of the camp will begin in earnest and any body who is passing that way is more than welcome to drop in and crack a tinny with fellow ex servicemen and women..

Norms Email is and he can fill you in on the details if you are interested....

Could you please pass this on to any other interested parties...There may be a need for volunteer workers in the initial stages so I told Norm I would pass on the information.....He has done a great job and it would be a pityif he was not supported ..I believe that Norms wife is going to be setting up a web page so all will be kept up to date as it develops...

Kindest regards to all Shang and Marlene.....

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

ThunderStruck-The Unit - video

Hi All, finally I am able to report that the Unit video is now complete and FULLY ENHANCED - FINAL PROOF. Sorry it took so long to get it finished.. Hoping that it is enjoyable to watch and with respect to our families as a tribute of our memories.
Our Website has also had a good touchup with many new links of information// really worth the sharing with everyone in our network.
click on the link below

Speakers On, enjoy and let it rip.. feel free to comment..

Friday, 2 April 2010

Fed: GG approves Long Tan medals

LONG CANBERRA, March 31 AAP - Governor-General Quentin Bryce has approved additional awards for those who fought in the battle of Long Tan in Vietnam more than 40 years ago.
Those who fought in the battle - the soldiers of Delta Company of the 6th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (6RAR) - will receive a unit citation for gallantry.
RAAF helicopter pilot Flight Lieutenant Cliff Dohle, of Lilydale, Victoria, who died in February last year, will also be awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, an upgrade to the "mentioned in despatches" previously awarded.
The decision follows an inquiry in 2009 by the Defence Honours and Awards Appeal Tribunal into unresolved issues relating to medals awarded to those who fought at Long Tan, the most significant single action of Australian involvement in the Vietnam conflict.
On August 18, 1966, 100 soldiers of D Company fought off an overwhelming enemy force. Eighteen of them died.
However, there were persistent complaints that participants were not adequately recognised under the then imperial honours system.
The tribunal said many men behaved gallantly that day but not all had been formally recognised with an individual award.
It concluded that it would be appropriate to recognise the extraordinary bravery in action with the Unit Citation for Gallantry.
In the case of Flight Lieutenant Dohle, who piloted an Iroquois helicopter to resupply the besieged soldiers with ammunition at the height of the battle, the tribunal noted he was initially recommended for the Distinguished Flying Cross but that was not accepted in Australia.
It concluded he should be posthumously awarded the contemporary award of the Distinguished Service Medal.