Monday 28 February 2011

Why Yoga for PTSD?

The Veterans Yoga Project

Yoga does not cure PTSD. Yoga practices are, however, a valuable complement to professional treatment for PTSD.   PTSD is a complex psychological disorder that can be effectively treated with professional evidence-based psychotherapy. Unfortunately, even evidence-based psychotherapies do not work for many Veterans, and leave many other Veterans with residual symptoms. A mindful, embodied yoga practice can help provide relief from some of the symptoms of PTSD, and can help provide the supportive skills that are needed in other psychotherapeutic modalities. Yoga will not eliminate a Veteran’s PTSD symptoms, but it can support and aid in a Veteran’s healing journey.

Yoga has worked so well with many Veterans who are coping with PTSD and other trauma-related psychological difficulties because it brings them back into their body. It helps them sleep more soundly. It helps them transform anger. It helps them rediscover curiosity. It helps them experience love and happiness. It gives them the opportunity to live at their own pace and find their own truth. Veterans with PTSD use yoga as a method to regain control over a nervous system that is always “on edge”, and to regain control over self-destructive behaviors and habits. Since trauma lies in the body, mind, and spirit, we can use a holistic, integrated yoga practice to re-connect with ourselves as we are in the present moment, letting us feel comfortable in our own skin.

The healing effects of ancient yoga practices have begun to receive validation from modern science. Researchers have started to discover the pathways by which the physical postures and movements, meditation, and breathing practices support healing. In fact, many of the techniques used in yoga are strikingly similar to strategies used by clinical psychologists in the treatment of anxiety disorders including PTSD. (Veterans Yoga Project is working on a Virtual Library of resources-check back soon. In the meantime, check out our references page).

Mindful Yoga Therapy for Veterans Coping with Trauma is an empirically-informed, clinically-tested program consisting of a variety of "tools" that can help connect the mind and body. These practices or "tools" include breathing practices (pranayama), meditation, physical postures and movements (asana), and a specific form of guided imagery/meditation (Yoga Nidra). We invite you to give it a try.

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